Wednesday, June 3, 2015

What I Love Wednesday

Oh hey. Don't mind me, creepin' on in. I know it's been a long time since I've posted absolutely anything (or logged in even; don't judge). It's not that I've been avoiding this quiet space in the Interwebz corner... I just lost my motivation for a while there.

I haven't felt like I had anything interesting or special to say, so I've been shying away from saying anything at all.

Sorry about that!

I've been pondering ways to freshen up this blog and post things that are more interesting, to you and to me! I'm still trying to nail that all down, but in the meantime, I thought I'd share some good ol' fashioned love, since it is a Wednesday after all. Cheers!

1. Are you an emotional eater? I have definitely struggled with this myself, so I promise you're not alone!

2. If you are a runner and have not been practicing yoga, I highly recommend starting. It has significantly changed my abilities to run! Here's a great, short, beginning video to start you off!

3. It's easy to forget how to be a good friend. Tiny Buddha is here to help!

4. Oh my goodness, this is way too fun!! Nostalgia galore!

5. This post goes hand in hand with the idea that happiness is not a goal, but a state of being.

6. If you haven't heard The Fratellis' new song, I invite you to listen. Love it!

7. Because Harry Potter is awesome, and this is hilariously on point.

8. I could probably eat these all day long!

9. Finding Home.

10. Just to leave you with a pleasing sight, here's a picture I took on the way to Seward, Alaska.

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