Dang! 2013?!
Before I launch into the expectations I have for this new year, I hope you won't mind my taking a moment to reflect on the year we just left. It was one of epic proportions, I think. Some highlights include: performing a duo concert with my good friend Scott at the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (including a marvelous rendition of my percussion/piano duet with awesome lighting!); getting to showcase my 4 years of education to family and friends at my senior recital; graduating from college (!!!); creating a couple new recipes (don't worry, there will be more to come); taking a mini road trip to Georgia to see my brother graduate from Army Basic Training; finding out my bestie got engaged (!!!); becoming a barista; seeing my hubby graduate from WLC (and finding out he's getting promoted!); fighting for a good cause; believing in health; loving.
And just because we all love visual aids, here are 12 pictures from 2012:
What a year it has been! And now it's officially 2013, wherein we can hope and dream and wish for things to happen, or we can take action and make them happen! In place of a traditional New Years' Resolution, I've decided to make a list of things I want to will do by the end of the year -- sort of like a 2013 Bucket List, if you will. I hope to add more items as I think of them, and to cross off the ones I've done as soon as I do them. Here we go!
In no particular order:
1. Learn a new instrument.
2. Write a book.
3. Build an igloo.
4. Feed the homeless.
5. Climb a mountain.
6. Run 13.1 miles (a half-marathon).
7. Read a book in a foreign language.
8. Knit something useful.
9. Visit a different country.
10. Take [at least] one photo every day.
11. Enter a contest.
12. Write a brand new piece.
13. Play my drumset in front of an audience.
14. Learn French.
15. Eat something I've grown.
16. Make someone's life easier.
Here's to 2013!
What are you resolving to do this year?
What are you resolving to do this year?
Day 1 of 365 Photos:
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New jeans for a new year! |
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